Innovative start-up, temporary management

Context: Italian company located in Friuli Venezia Giulia dealing with research, development, planning, construction and marketing of innovation electrical robotic lawnmowers, Made in Italy.


  • The start-up was created by a group of entrepreneurs with two experts in the field, without a general manager who would have taken care of the specific activities regarding the set-up and management of a Start-up.

 Suggested solution 

  • Presence in the company of a Temporary Manager acting as a General Manager for a period of 18/24 months.
  • Study and draft of the company’s budget divided into sales, purchase of raw materials, personnel costs, investment budgets.
  • Support to the Client in outlining, developing and managing the specific activities necessary when starting-up a company.
  • Implementation of a series of activities concerning the promotion of new products and the development of the company’s competitiveness. The activities suggested in the present project are functional to obtain such objectives. The main activities suggested in the project are:
  1. Operative support on the technological and electronic aspects of robotic lawnmowers.
  2. Backing services during the initial development of the company.
  3. Operative and management support of the company and drafting of the business plan.
  4. Organization of events and meetings
  5. Creation of promotional campaigns through newsletters and other methods.
  6. Improvement of the website.
  7. Creation and printing of promotional brochures and flyers.
  • Research of resources and instruments: the project requires the acquisition of significant operative and managerial consultancy which will allow the start-up to better outline the technological, organizational, commercial and marketing aspects of the business.
  • Creation of communication instruments both online (newsletter, website, social media, etc.) and paper (brochures, flyers), for the organization of events and meetings.


Still in progress.

 Results achieved 

  • Productive activity was started.
  • Budget and three-year plan was outlined.
  • Project Manager functional to the project was appointed.
  • Grant for 90,000 € was obtained; waiting for a second one.
  • Aspects of the product were defined, they are given below for exemplification only:
  1. Validation/branding/certification.
  2. Labelling.
  3. Suppliers’ conformities.
  4. Production conformity.
  5. Prevention/realization/control.
  6. Technical document (internal).
  7. Product specifications.
  8. User’s manual
  • Creation of a website.
  • Definition of commercial/marketing objectives such as:
  1. Definition of the commercial budget.
  2. Activity management, from the sales contract (order) to the delivery/acceptance.
  3. Customers management, possibly divided according to areas and/or product.
  4. Content for website and for promotional material (brochures, presentations, texts, images), etc.
  5. Market opportunities, potential, development, etc.
  6. Standard offers, pricelists, payment conditions, guarantee, etc.